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Balamuthia Awareness


Welcome to the Traces of Trinity Foundation. Our purpose is to provide unwavering support and essential ​resources to families of children facing prolonged hospital stays, including children fighting rare illnesses.

Inspired by the legacy of Trinity Jennings, we aim to spread hope and awareness, advocating for families ​navigating the challenging journey that accompanies extended hospital stays. Through the Foundation’s ​dedicated efforts, we strive to ensure that no family feels alone, overwhelmed, or unsupported during such a ​difficult time.


Trinity was born on July 21, 2019, and from the day we met her, she was such a bright light who brought so much joy and love ​to our family.

On November 5, 2023, our life changed forever. That was the day our Trinity had a mini-stroke and we began the 12-day ​process of determining the cause. As our baby girl Trin started to to get better during those 12 days (we now know it was ​completely abnormal for her diagnosis), test after test after test came back negative until one of the last efforts to be certain of ​a diagnosis came back with a positive for Balamuthia, what is known as a brain-eating amoeba.

Balamuthia is known to have just over 200 documented cases in the world since 1986 and 11 or so survivors as the amoeba has ​a 95% mortality rate. Unfortunately, most do not learn they have the amoeba until an autopsy is performed due to both its ​rarity and most physicians not knowing to look for it. Most fall victim to Balamuthia within days of symptoms or two weeks ​at best.

Our Trinity fought this disease for just under two months, at one point getting well enough to come home (after 40 days in the ​hospital), spend quality home time with her sisters, and continue treatment away from the hospital. Unfortunately, things ​took a turn on the 4th day at home, and upon taking Trinity to the ER, we learned she was building pressure on her brain.

12 days later, on December 31st, 2023 our little princess was called home.

We'll likely never understand why we and our Trinity were chosen for this journey but we do know there is so much about this ​situation that has confirmed God was and is with us throughout. Our Trinity fought Balamuthia as if she knew it needed to ​be done, constantly hearing from nurses and doctors that she was the ideal patient and how she touched so many lives within ​the hospital just with the love she shared even while battling such a rare disease.

Although we are sad and hurt that our Trinity is no longer with us here on Earth, we're finding comfort in being blessed to ​have had our amazing, beautiful, loving, and overall unicorn of a human being Trinity with us for 4 years. Trinity came to ​Earth and made a mark that will never be forgotten in such a short period and continues to positively affect lives to this day. ​Until we meet again, we love you Trinity, and thank you for making our lives so much better.


Meet The Family

Crystal & Darrell (dj)


our Mission & Vision

our Mission:

We are dedicated to providing support and resources to families with children facing extended hospital stays, including ​children who are fighting rare illnesses, while honoring the memory of Trinity Jennings, by supporting families and ​spreading hope with a bit of sparkle. Additionally, we are committed to bringing awareness to rare diseases, including ​Balamuthia amoebic encephalitis, and advocating for improved support and resources for affected families.

our Vision:

Our vision is to support families navigating the challenges of extended hospital stays, including children fighting rare ​diseases, inspired by the memory of our beloved Trinity Jennings, who was a fighter against a very rare disease herself. ​We envision a future where families don't feel alone or overwhelmed by the little things during their journey, and where ​they find comfort, resources, and strength from the community. Trinity's beautiful legacy lives on in the lives of those ​she touched and through the Traces of Trinity Foundation, Trinity’s impact will touch others while also raising ​awareness about rare diseases while advocating for positive change.

Make a difference today

Donate Now

The Traces of Trinity Foundation is a 501(c)(3), Tax ID 99-3211454. Charitable donations are tax-deductible.

Your donations are crucial in supporting families and children facing extended hospital stays and rare illnesses.

By contributing, you help us provide essential items and a touch of comfort, with a bit of sparkle, during challenging times.

Here’s how you can help:

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checks can be made payable to: traces of trinity foundation

Mailing address: 3450 Coyote Road, West Sacramento, CA 95691

Why Your Donation Matters:

Every donation, whether big or small, significantly impacts the lives of the families we support.

Your support helps continue Trinity’s legacy of spreading hope with a bit of sparkle. Together, we will make a difference.

Thank you for your kindness and generosity!!

Balamuthia Awareness

We are dedicated to raising awareness about Balamuthia amoebic encephalitis and advocating for improved ​support and resources for affected families. By sharing Trinity's story and the challenges faced by those fighting ​rare illnesses, we aim to educate our community and inspire action toward a future where rare diseases are better ​understood, diagnosed, and treated.

  • In January 2022, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the United States documented fewer ​than 200 cases of Balamuthia amoebic encephalitis globally since it was first identified in the late 1980s

  • Balamuthia mandrillaris is considered an emerging pathogen, and research on its epidemiology and global ​distribution is ongoing. It is believed to be more prevalent in certain geographic regions with warmer climates, but ​cases have been reported worldwide.

Where is Balamuthia found?

Balamuthia Prevention Tips

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let's hear from you!

We’d love to hear from you! Please don't ​hesitate to reach out if you have questions, need ​support, or want to get involved.

Please fill out the form to the left, we will get ​back to you as soon as possible!

For general inquiries, please email us at: ​

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